Snoring is a problem that can plague an entire household. The snorer and his or her spouse are always the most effected. Whether you are a snorer or a spouse of a snorer, either way you are a victim of a snoring problem. This problem leads to a lack of sleep from the spouse and poor sleep from the snorer. There are several things that you can do in order to help stop your snoring problem.
The snorer should:
Avoid alcoholic drinks, specifically before he/ she goes to bed.
Avoid muscle relaxant medication. These include antihistamines and sleeping pills.
Ask his/ her loved one to help them. If they snore they should help roll the snorer over or wake them up.
Get rid of any congestion that may be present. One can achieve this by gargling salt water or using a decongestant like Claritin. Also you will want to make sure that your bed does not have any allergens nearby. This includes dust and feather pillows.
Exercise on a regular basis. This can help to improve physical condition and help to loose weight, both will help a snoring problem.
Keep nostrils open while sleeping. This is why getting rid of congestion is so important. You can also use nasal strips if removing congestion does not adequately help the problem.
Establish regular sleeping patterns. This will help to sync up your circadian rhythm and may help to reduce snoring and will ensure better rest at night.
Wait at least three hours after eating a major meal before going to bed.
Quit smoking, smoking weakens the throat which can induce a sleeping problem.
One should also speak with a medical professional if one's snoring becomes severe. Although many of these solutions will help to reduce snoring, there are other ways to more effectively stop a snoring problem. If you are looking for a serious snoring solution, you may want to think about purchasing a jaw-supporting, anti-snoring product. These products help to teach the throat and jaw muscles of a snorer to remain in the proper position during sleep. This can work wonders on a snoring problem.
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